Apply in Two Easy Steps!    

Step 1: Apply to the University

If you are applying as License Option, you must major in Marine Transportation, Marine Biology, Marine Engineering Technology or Marine Sciences, or any Graduate Studies-LO Program.

Step 2: Apply to Texas A&M Maritime Academy

Already Accepted?    

Apply for a TWIC
Apply for a TWIC

The Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC) is required for Cadets in a License Option program. To apply for a TWIC, visit the Transportation Security Administration's website and follow the instructions listed under the "Apply" Section.

Drill and Ceremonies Cadets and NROTC Midshipmen not participating in the Strategic Sealift Midshipmen Program are not required to obtain a TWIC.

This document is required for all License Option Cadets before their first Sea Term

Get A Physical
Get A Physical

All Texas A&M Maritime Academy Cadets are required to complete a Merchant Mariner physical no more than two months prior to O-Week. 

NOTE: Cadets participating in NROTC/SSMP will receive a DODMERB physical at a later date.


The following vaccinations are required for License Option cadets prior to sailing.
  • Dip-tetanus1
  • Hep-A (2 series)
  • Hep-B (3 series)
  • Varicella
  • TB skin test
  • Polio
  • MMR
  • Meningitis
  • Tetanus should be within the last 10 years
  • TB skin test within the last year
Apply for a Passport
Apply for a Passport

If you don't already have one, please apply for a U.S. Passport or J-1 Visa. Additional questions should be directed to

This document is required for all License Option Cadets before their first Sea Term

Apply for Cadet Housing
Apply for Cadet Housing

All Cadets are required to live in TAMMA Hall (unless approved for off-campus housing). Final approval to live off-campus is determined by the Director of Campus Living & Learning and the Commandant.

All cadets must submit an online housing application.

Requests to live off-campus are made through the university housing application. Consideration will be given to cadets who meet the following criteria. These cadets will be assigned to a company during O-Week and will remain in that company and participate in all Corps activities.

  • Married and/or residing with dependents in the Galveston County area; or

  • 25 years of age or older before the first day of classes for the semester of entry into the Maritime Academy; or

  • Completion of a Bachelor's Degree 

Individuals who are veterans or prior service members may be eligible for off-campus housing and will be assigned to Victor Company. These requests are also initiated through the university housing application. The cadet's DD-214 may be requested.

More information about housing can be found at

Attend New Student Conference
Attend New Student Conference

Register for and attend New Student Conference or Graduate Student Orientation.

Incoming cadets register for classes at New Student Conference.

  • All cadets must register for ZOPT 100 Corps Activity.
  • NROTC/SSMP cadets must register for ZOPT 100 NROTC
  • License Option cadets must register for ZOPT 300 Deck or Engine depending on their license program.

Information about New Student Conference can be found here.

Attend Cadet Orientation Week (O-Week)
Attend Cadet Orientation Week (O-Week)


Prior to the beginning of their first semester, all new Cadets entering TAMMA, regardless of program, attend Orientation Week (O-Week).

Under the guidance of the Commandant, the Corps of Cadets cadet leadership plans and executes O-Week to introduce each new member to the Corps’ routines and traditions. Cadets also learn military bearing and customs, basic seamanship, engineering and nautical science skills. O-Week training includes, military formations, marching to class and meals, team-building exercises, hands-on seamanship training, and other training to enable new members to hit the decks running when the entire Corps returns for the semester.  

CLICK HERE for more information about O-Week.