General Information    

Click Here to review/print/download the General Information Packet, which contains information such as What to Bring, What Not to Bring, and Preparing Yourself for O-Week. Additional information regarding O-Week will be provided via email to all incoming cadets. For questions related to the Texas A&M Maritime Academy please email to, and for questions related to the Texas A&M University at Galveston’s Corps of Cadets please email to

Dates for O-week
Dates for O-week

O-week for Fall 2025 scheduled for August 10 – 16, 2025.

Mandatory Participation in O-Week
Mandatory Participation in O-Week

Participation in O-Week is mandatory for all new Cadets regardless of program affiliation (i.e., License Option, NROTC, SSMP, or Drill & Ceremonies). Incoming new Cadets transferring in from another State Maritime Academy, a Senior Military Academy, or Service Academy must still attend the entire period of O-Week.


Mandatory Drug Testing
Mandatory Drug Testing

All new Cadets will undergo drug testing during O-Week, regardless of program affiliation (i.e., License Option, NROTC, SSMP, or Drill & Ceremonies). If you are on medication that could generate a positive result (i.e., ADHD medication), please bring your prescription information with you. 

The US Coast Guard has zero tolerance for illegal drug use of CBD products, or the improper use/misuse of prescription drugs. Any Cadet testing positive for drugs or refusing a drug test will be adjudicated pursuant to the Corps Operations Manual.

Required Purchases
Required Purchases

Uniform Order Sheet

Cadet Bookstore Pack


All new Cadets will reside at TAMMA Hall during O-Week and must complete a housing application.

More information about housing can be found at

Parking Permit Information
Parking Permit Information

Vehicles of all cadets participating in O-Week must have a valid TAMUG parking permit (or at least display their receipt for proof of purchase). Parking permit information is available HERE. 

Information about paid parking for parents and/or visitors can be found HERE.


All new cadets will move-in during O-Week check-in.

For the most up to date move-in information visit:

Howdy Week & SALT Camp
Howdy Week & SALT Camp

Information about Howdy Week & SALT Camp can be found at



How do I determine my size and fit for my uniforms?
How do I determine my size and fit for my uniforms?

To determine size and fit for your uniforms, we strongly recommend you to review the Measurement Guidelines and Sizing Charts below. You can do the measurements yourself or use the services of a professional tailor/seamstress. To ensure the Navy Uniform Support Center processes the correct size, use the link below to access the Measurement Guidelines and Sizing Charts to measure yourself and determine the correct size (left blue column) for each item and enter it into the order form.

Measurement Guidelines and Sizing Charts

Am I required to purchase all of the uniform items on the Uniform Order Sheet?
Am I required to purchase all of the uniform items on the Uniform Order Sheet?

If you have been officially accepted into the NROTC/SSMP, you will need to purchase all of the items on the list. Contact NROTC with additional questions.

All other Cadets will need to purchase all the items in the required section of the Uniform Order Form. 

Female cadets may elect to purchase the men's uniform shirts and trousers and corresponding belt and buckle. NROTC midshipman should check with the NROTC OIC for requirements before doing so.


Will the cost of the uniforms be added to my TAMUG Fee Statement?
Will the cost of the uniforms be added to my TAMUG Fee Statement?

No. Payment for the uniforms must be made by credit card or debit card directly to the Navy Uniform Support Center utilizing the order form.

If I am on campus for my New Student Conference, may I pick up my uniforms?
If I am on campus for my New Student Conference, may I pick up my uniforms?

Yes, you may pick up your uniforms before O-Week; however, you will want to make sure your uniforms have been delivered. 

When it is confirmed that your uniforms have arrived, you may come by during business hours (Monday-Friday; 8:00am-5:00pm). You will need a photo ID for verification purposes. If someone else is picking up your uniforms on your behalf, they will need your written permission to do so plus your photo ID.