Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Weapons
Unsupervised use, possession, sale, production or distribution of any drug classified as illegal or illegal when not used in the presence of a certified medical professional, is prohibited by State law. Any violation of this ordinance on-campus will result in an investigation. The drug-free zone for TAMUG extends 1,000 feet beyond the campus perimeter.
Offenses occurring off-campus will be investigated by the corresponding police jurisdiction. Individuals who are determined to be in prosecution of the law will be criminally prosecuted, and students may also incur TAMUG disciplinary action.
Drug prevention and education is coordinated at TAMUG by the campus counselor, along with the assistance of a Substance Abuse Advisory Committee. Mandatory drug testing of U.S. Coast Guard documented students and employees is conducted in accordance with Federal Regulations.
As of January 01, 2020 all system schools and building are tobacco free including e-cigarettes, vaping, dipping and snuff.
Texas A&M University at Galveston is a dry-campus, meaning that no person is allowed to consume alcohol on the premises, regardless of their age. The use, possession and/or distribution of beverages containing alcohol is prohibited on-campus. Students may not have alcoholic beverages in their residence hall rooms and violations can result in disciplinary action. This includes students living in TAMUG-contracted housing in the University Apartments, Albatross or Polaris residence halls. The State law applies to everyone in regards to underage and excessive consumption; violations can result in criminal citations and/or arrest.
State law, Texas Penal Code, Chapter 46, prohibits the possession, carrying or use of illegal weapons or firearms on property that is owned or controlled by Texas A&M University at Galveston. All of these actions are considered to be felony offenses.
Persons over 21 years of age, who are licensed to carry a handgun in Texas, may carry a concealed handgun anywhere on campus that does not display a 30.06 sign that notifies everyone that the area is a weapons free area. The only exception to this policy is for authorized law enforcement officers or other persons specifically authorized by State Law and Texas A&M University at Galveston.
Student violations of this policy may additionally result in disciplinary action.