Articles in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals
42. Amaral, A.C.Z.; Cunha, B.P.; Checon, H.H.; Godoy, A.S.; Silva, C.F.; CORTE, G.N.; Nogueira, J.M.M.; Fukuda, M.V.; Steiner, T.M.; Kawauchi, G.Y.; Turra, A.; Denadai, M.R.; Ferreira, L.; Mendonça, J.B.; Tavares, M.; Leite, F.P.P.; Costa, M.F.B.; Siqueira, S.G.L.; Vieira, L.M. ; Dias, G.M. 2024. The high biodiversity of benthic organisms in a coastal ecosystem revealed by an integrative approach. Biota Neotropica, 24, p. e20231583.
41. CORTE, G.N.; Shah Esmaeili, Y.; Maria, T.F.; Costa, L.L.; Mattos, G.; Checon, H.H.; Malinconico, N.; Paiva, P.C.; Debiasi, P.; Cabrini, T.; Seixas, V.C.; Bulhões, E.; Rosa Filho, J.S.; Colling, L.A.; Rosa, L.C.; Yokoyama, L.Q.; Cardoso, R.; Pombo, M.; Mancini, P.L.; Xavier, L.Y.; Santos, T.; Petracco, M.; Bechara, L.S.; Laurino, I.R.A.; Di Domenico, M.; Odebrecht, C.; Klein, A.H.F.; Rocha Barreira, C.A.; Soares-Gomes, A.; Zalmon, I.R.; Amaral, A.C.Z.; Turra, A.; Barboza, C.A.M. 2023. The science we need for the beaches we want: frontiers of the flourishing Brazilian ecological sandy beach research. Frontiers in Marine Science, v. 10, p. 1.
40. Checon, H.H.; CORTE, G.N.; Shah Esmaeili, Y.; Laurino, I.R.A.; Turra, A. 2023. Sandy beach bioindicators: How each benthic taxon tells its own story. Ocean & Coastal Management, v. 240, p. 106645.
39. Schlender, K.; CORTE, G.N.; Durdall, A.; Habtes, S.; Grimes, K.W. 2023. Urbanization driving Ocypode quadrata burrow density, depth, and width across Caribbean beaches. Ecological Indicators, v. 153, p. 110396.
38. Checon, H.H.; Costa, H.H.R.; CORTE, G.N.; Souza, F.M.; Pombo, M. 2023. Rainfall Influences the Patterns of Diversity and Species Distribution in Sandy Beaches of the Amazon Coast. Sustainability, 15, 5417.
37. Fernandes, L.D.A. ; CORTE, G.N.; Moura, L.; Reis, C.; Matos, T.; Moreno, D.; Cortez, P.S.; De Carvalho, W. F.; Monteiro-Ribas, W.; Gonçalves, J.E.A. ; Ribeiro, F.; Thomazelli, F.; Rizzini-Ansari, N. ; Neto, E.B.F.; Gaelzer, L.R.; De Souza Martins, E.; Lobão, M.M.; Baeta-Neves, M.H.; Coutinho, R. 2023. Effects of dredging activities and seasonal variation on coastal plankton assemblages: results from 10 years of environmental monitoring. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,195, 261.
36. Checon, H.H.; CORTE, G.N.; Shah Esmaeili, Y.; Muniz, P.; Turra, A. 2023. The efficacy of benthic indices to evaluate the ecological quality and urbanization effects on sandy beach ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, 856: 159190.
35. Reis, C., CORTE, G., Fernandes, L. 2022. Multi-scale temporal variation of marine femtoplankton and picophytoplankton: the role of size and environment. Ocean and Coastal Research, 70: e22033.
34. Laurino, I.R.A., Checon, H.H., CORTE, G.N. Turra, A. 2022. Does coastal armoring affect biodiversity and its functional composition on sandy beaches? Marine Environmental Research, 181: 105760.
33. CORTE, G.N.; Checon, H.H.; Shah Esmaeili, Y.; Defeo, O.; Turra, A. 2022. Evaluation of the effects of urbanization and environmental features on sandy beach macrobenthos highlights the importance of submerged zones. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 182: 113962.
32. Checon, H.H.; Shah Esmaeili, Y.; CORTE, G.N.; Malinconico, N.; Turra, A. 2022. Locally developed models improve the accuracy of remote sensing as a rapid tool to assess and classify sandy beach morphodynamics. PeerJ. 10: e13413
31. Shah Esmaeili, Y.M.L.; Checon, H.H.; CORTE, G.N.; Turra, A. 2021. Parasitism by isopods in sandy beach fish assemblages: role of urbanization and environmental characteristics. Hydrobiologia, 848: 4885–4901.
30. Shah Esmaeili, Y.M.L.; CORTE, G.N.; Checon, H.H.; Bilatto, C.G., Amaral, A.C.Z.; Turra, A. 2021. Revealing the drivers of taxonomic and functional diversity of nearshore fish assemblages: implications for conservation priorities. Diversity and Distributions, 00, 1–13.
29. Checon, H.H., CORTE, G.N., Yokoyama, L.Q., Silva, M., Turra, A. 2021. Night underwater rides: the movement of a sandy beach gastropod is governed by interactive effects of tide and diel cycles. Marine Biology Research, 17:5-6, 523-528.
28. Checon, H.H., CORTE, G.N., Silva, C.F., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2021. Using the Capitella complex to investigate the effects of sympatric cryptic species distinction on ecological and monitoring studies in coastal areas. Marine Biodiversity, 51, 48.
27. Shah Esmaeili, Y., CORTE, G.N., Checon, H.H., Lefcheck, J.S., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2021. Comprehensive assessment of surf zone fish biodiversity requires a combination of traditional and newly-developed sampling methods. 2021. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
26. CORTE, G.N., Checon, H.H., Shah Esmaeili, Y., Lefcheck, J.S., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2021. Mangrove fragments as key coastal reservoirs of taxonomic and functional biodiversity. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30: 1573–1593.
25. Vieira, D. C., Gallucci, F., CORTE, G.N., Checon, H. H., Amaral, A.C.Z., Fonseca, G. 2021. The relative contribution of non-selection and selection processes in marine benthic assemblages. Marine Environmental Research, 163: 105223.
24. CORTE, G.N., Yokoyama, Tardelli, D.T., Checon, H.H., Turra, A. 2020. Spatial pattern of the gastropod Olivella minuta demonstrate the importance of tide-dominated beaches and subtidal zone for sandy beach populations. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 101454.
23. Laurino, I.R.A., Checon, H.H., CORTE, G.N. Turra, A. 2020. Flooding affects vertical displacement of intertidal sandy beach macrofauna: A proxy for the potential impacts of climate and environmental changes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 245: 106882.
22. Xavier, L.Y.; Gonçalves, L.R.; Checon, H.H.; CORTE, G.N.; Turra, A. 2020. Are we missing the bigger picture? An analysis of how science can contribute to an ecosystem-based approach beach management on the São Paulo Macrometropolis. Ambiente & Sociedade, 23, e01411.
21. Checon, H.H., CORTE, G.N., Yokoyama, L.Q., Silva, M., Turra, A. 2020. Full stomachs at empty tides: tidal cycle affects feeding activity and diet of the sandy beach gastropod Olivella minuta. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 86: 219–227.
20. CORTE, G. N.; Yokoyama, Checon, H.H.; Turra, A. 2019. Spatial and temporal variation in the diet of the sandy beach gastropod Olivella minuta. Invertebrate Biology, 138: e12269.
19. CORTE, G. N.; Yokoyama, L. Q.; Denadai, M.R ; Bessa, E. ; Salles, M.C.Z ; Turra, A. 2019. Egg-capsule deposition of the marine gastropod Olivella minuta: the importance of an interspecific relationship with the soft-bottom bivalve Tivela mactroides. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 85: 126-132.
18. Turra, A.; CORTE, G. N.; Amaral, A. C.Z.; Yokoyama, L.Q. ; Denadai, M.R. 2018. Non-linear curve adjustments widen biological interpretation of relative growth analyses of the clam Tivela mactroides (Bivalvia, Veneridae). PeerJ, 6, p. e5070.
17. Checon, H. H., Vieira, D. C., CORTE, G. N., Fonseca, G., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2018. Defining soft bottom habitats and potential indicator species as tools for monitoring coastal systems: a case study in a subtropical bay. Ocean and Coastal Management, 164: 68-78.
16. CORTE, G.N., Goncalves-Souza, T., Checon, H.H., Siegle, E., Coleman, R.A., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2018. When time affects space: Dispersal ability and extreme weather events determine metacommunity organization in marine sediments. Marine Environmental Research, 136: 139-152.
15. Checon, H.H., CORTE, G.N., Shah Esmaeili, Y.M.L., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2018. Nestedness patterns and the relative role of environmental and spatial variables on sandy beach fauna: ecological hypotheses and conservation strategies. Scientific Reports, 8: 3759.
14. Checon, H.H., CORTE, G.N., Muniz, O., Brauko, K.M., Di Domeninco, M. Bícego, M., Siegle, E., Figueira, R.L., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2018. Unraveling the performance of the benthic index AMBI in a subtropical bay: the effects of data transformations and exclusion of low-reliability sites. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 126: 438-448. PDF
13. CORTE, G. N., Checon, H. H., Fonseca, G., Vieira, D. C., Gallucci, F., Di Domenico, M., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2017. Cross-taxon congruence in benthic communities: searching for surrogates in marine sediments. Ecological Indicators, 78: 173-182.
12. CORTE, G.N.; Schlacher, T.A.; Checon, H.H.; Barboza, C.A.M.; Siegle, E.; Coleman, R.A.; Amaral, A.C.Z. 2017. Storm effects on intertidal invertebrates: increased beta diversity of few individuals and species. PeerJ, 5: e3360.
11. Gorman, D.; CORTE, G.N.; Checon, H.H.; Amaral, A.C.Z.; Turra, A. 2017. Optimizing coastal and marine spatial planning through the use of high-resolution benthic sensitivity models. Ecological Indicators, 82: 23-31.
10. CORTE, G.N., Martinez, A.S., Coleman, R.A. Short term copper exposure does not affect a key intertidal grazer. 2017. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 493: 14-19.
9. Checon, H.H., CORTE, G.N., Silva, C.F., Schaeffer-Novelli, Y., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2017. Mangrove vegetation decreases density but does not affect species richness and trophic structure of intertidal polychaete assemblages. Hydrobiologia, 795:169-179.
8. CORTE, G.N., Coleman, R.A., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2017. Environmental influence on population dynamics of the bivalve Anomalocardia brasiliana. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 187: 241-248.
7. Amaral, A.C.Z., CORTE, G.N., Rosa Filho, J.S., Denadai, M.R., Colling, L.A., Borzone, C., Veloso, V., Omena, E.P., Zalmon, I.R., Rocha-Barreira, C.A., Souza, J.R.B., Rosa, L.C., Almeida, T.C.M. 2016. Brazilian sandy beaches: characteristics, ecosystem services, impacts, knowledge, and priorities. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography. 64: 5-16.
6. CORTE, G.N., Yokoyama, L.Q., Coleman, R.A., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2015. Population dynamics of the harvested clam Anomalocardia brasiliana (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in Cidade Beach, south-east Brazil. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 95: 1183-1191.
5. CORTE, G.N. 2015. Reproductive cycle and parasitism in the clam Anomalocardia brasiliana (Bivalvia: Veneridae). Invertebrate Reproduction & Development. 59:66-80
4. Silva, C.F.S., CORTE, G.N., Yokoyama, L.Q., Abrahão, J.R., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2014. Growth, mortality, and reproduction of Tagelus plebeius (bivalvia: solecurtidae) in Southeast Brazil. Helgoland Marine Research, 69:1-12.
3. CORTE, G.N., Yokoyama, L.Q., Amaral, A.C.Z. 2014. An attempt to extend the Habitat Harshness Hypothesis to tidal flats: A case study of Anomalocardia brasiliana (Bivalvia: Veneridae) reproductive biology, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 150: 136-141.
20122. CORTE, G.N., Nascimento, M.C, Pavani, L., Leite, F.P.P. 2012. Crustáceos associados à Ulva spp. em praias com diferentes características ambientais. Bioikos (Campinas), 26: 101-111.
20091. CORTE, G.N.; Macchiaverni, P.; Fabbro, I.M.D., Haddad, C.R.B. 2009. Nitrogen availability, leaf life span and nitrogen conservation mechanisms in leaves of tropical trees. Scientia Agricola 66: 812-818.
1. Amaral A.C.Z.; Checon H.H., CORTE G.N. Brazilian Sandy Beaches. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.Book Chapters
10. CORTE G.N *., Petracco, M.*, Aviz, D., Abude, R.R.S., Augusto, M., Caetano, C.H.S., Cardoso, R.S., Cabrini, T.M.B*. Population Biology. In: Amaral A.C.Z.; Checon H.H., CORTE G.N. Brazilian Sandy Beaches. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.
9. CORTE G.N., Amaral A.C.Z. Benthic Invertebrate macrofauna. In: Amaral A.C.Z.; Checon H.H., CORTE G.N. Brazilian Sandy Beaches. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.
8. Checon H.H, CORTE G.N., Cunha B.P., Shah Esmaeili Y.M.L., Fonseca G, Amaral A.C.Z. 2023. Macro and Meiofaunal Communities in Brazilian Mangroves and Salt Marshes. In Schaeffer-Novelli Y., Abuchahla G.M.O., Cintrón-Molero G. (Org.). Brazilian Mangroves and Salt Marshes. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.
7. Xavier L.Y., Guilhon M., Gonçalves L.R., Checon H.H., Grilli, N.M., CORTE G.N., Turra. A. 2022. The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Ocean Interdisciplinary Research and Governance (SPSAS Ocean). In: Bruno Meirelles de Oliveira, Juan Carlos Farias Pardo, Alexander Turra (Org.) Challenges in Ocean Governance in the Views of Early Career Scientists.
6. CORTE G.N., Checon H.H., Amaral A.C.Z. 2021. Ecologia de praias arenosas. In: Abílio Soares-Gomes; Renato Crespo (Org.) Ecologia Marinha. Interciencia.
5. Amaral, A.C.Z., CORTE, G.N., Checon, H.H., Silva, C.F., Cunha, B.P., Godoy, A.S., Vieira, D. C., Vilas-Boas, A.C., Di Domenico, M., Gallucci, F., Fonseca, G., Sousa, E., Almeida, C.S., Gasparro, M.R., Zaroni, L.P., Catharino, M.G.M., Lins, C., Oliveira, A.J.F.C., Zampieri, B.B., Pinto, A.B., Doi, S.A., Andrade, V.C. 2018. Sistema Bentônico: Substrato não consolidado. In: Amaral, A.C.Z; Turra, A.; Ciotti, A. M.; Wongtschowski, C.; Schaeffer-Novelli, Y. (Org.). Métodos de Estudos em Ecossistemas Costeiros: Biodiversidade e Funcionamento. 1ed.São Paulo: ComArte Júnior, 132-153.
4. Amaral A.C.Z.; CORTE G.N., Checon H.H., Dias G.M.,Christofoletti R.A., Fonseca G., Di Domenico M. 2016. Life in the seafloor - Benthic System. In: Antonia Cecilia Z. Amaral; Alexander Turra; Aurea Maria Ciotti; Carmem Lúcia Del Bianco Rossi Wongtschowski; Yara Schaeffer-Novelli. (Org.). Life in Araçá Bay: Diversity and Importance. 1 ed. São Paulo: Lume, 2015, v. 1, p. 46-59.
3. Rosa Filho J.S., CORTE G.N., Maria T. F., Colling L.A., Rosa L.C., Borzone C.A., Almeida T.C.M., Zalmon, I. R., OMENA, E.P., Veloso, V.G., Amaral A. C Z. 2015. Monitoramento de longo prazo da macrofauna bentônica entremarés de praias arenosas. In: Alexander Turra; Márcia Regina Denadai. (Org.). Protocolos para o Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros - Rede de Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros - ReBentos. 1 ed.São Paulo, v. , p. 201-215.
2. Zalmon I. R., Machado P. M., Brauko K. M., CORTE G.N., Amaral A.C.Z. 2015. Monitoramento do efeito de eventos extremos de mudanças climáticas sobre a macrofauna bentônica de praias arenosas. In: Alexander Turra; Márcia Regina Denadai. (Org.). Protocolos para o Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros - Rede de Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros - ReBentos. 1ed.São Paulo: , 2015, v. , p. 223-231.
1. Amaral A.C.Z., Yokoyama L.Q. ; Rocha M. B. , CORTE G.N. 2015. Monitoramento de populações de Scolelepis (POLYCHAETA: SPIONIDAE). In: Alexander Turra; Márcia Regina Denadai. (Org.). Protocolos para o Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros - Rede de Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros - ReBentos. 1 ed.São Paulo: 2015, p. 233-241.