
Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometer (LC/MS) used to quantify all PFAS compounds.Solid phase extraction (SPE) setup used to extract PFAS compounds from seawater samples.PFAS compound peaks found through the LCMS quantification method.Map of Galveston Bay showing where all water samples were collected.Meet undergraduate research volunteer Shaley Klumker, a Junior Marine Biology and Marine Fisheries major.Pictured is Shaley measuring the fluorescence of a sample of Thalassiosira pseudonana, a measurement that will ultimately help to determine if there is an impact to T. pseudonana photosynthetic ability when in contact with PFOS.Meet undergraduate research volunteer Alexis Mitchell, a Junior Marine Biology major with a Chemistry Minor. Pictured is Alexis standing near our Thalassiosira pseudonana in the lab’s incubation room. Here the phytoplankton are happy under a light/dark cycle of 12/12 hours. While running experiments, our treated T. pseudonana continue to grow here and we monitor this growth over time.Dr. Quigg (left) and Ph.D. student Sarah Davis (right) are pictured on the TAMUG boat docks. In this area natural communities of phytoplankton are bottled and provide a basis for environmental assessment of PFOS.