TAMU Galveston Testing Center    

Hours and Location

Testing Center Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 6pm
Fridays: 8am - 5pm
After hours testing: Dependent on staff and space availability (exams after 6pm need to be scheduled 2 weeks in advance).


Seibel Student Services Center, Suite 104 (Building 3030)
In the Counseling, Career & Disability Resources office suite
Map: https://www.tamug.edu/directions.html 

Exam/Quiz/Finals Accommodations    

Students with approved testing accommodations at the TAMU Galveston campus, testing expectations and guidelines:

  1. Meet with instructors to discuss testing needs and determine how they would like to implement your exam accommodations.
  2. If the instructor is able to provide the accommodations themselves, then work with them directly on the time and location.
  3. If it is decided that the student will use the Testing Center (within the Counseling, Career & Disability Resources office suite) in the SSSC building:
  4. It is required that students verify the dates and times for exams with each instructor, by completing the Exam/Quiz/Finals Scheduling Form
  5. Students must submit the completed Exam/Quiz/Finals Scheduling Form to the Testing Center and schedule testing at least 1 week before the expected date of exams and quizzes, but at least 3 weeks for Final Exam scheduling (in person assistance is available at the Counseling, Career & Disability Resources office).

*Additionally, providing a copy of the completed Scheduling Form to instructor(s) is strongly encouraged.


Student Check in procedures & Instructors guidelines    

Testing Center Student Check in procedures
Testing Center Student Check in procedures
  1. Check into the Testing Center (Suite 104 Seibel Building)  5-10 minutes prior to exam administration. 
  2. Please have your Student ID and Last name of your professor ready.
  3. Outside items including but not limited to back packs, phones, smart watches, hats, coats/jackets are not allowed in the testing room.
  4. Calculator requirements (brand/model) need to be specified before exams begin.

*Late requests for exams will be handled on a case by case basis 

Instructors expectations and guidelines
Instructors expectations and guidelines
  1. Instructors should submit exam materials in person to the Testing Center (Suite 104 Seibel Building)  or to testingservices@tamug.edu at least 24 hours before the exam administration (for Monday exams, by noon the Friday prior). This includes copies of exam materials in Word, PDF, or other formats. This may also include instructions and passwords for computer based exams.
  2. Provide specific instructions on exam cover page or emailed exams addressing items allowed for student use during exam administration such as, scratch paper, printed resources, molecular models, calculators (make and model specific)  etc

Allow Start Time Flexibility: Students that are unable to start their exams at the same time as the class due to extended testing time that overlaps with their next class, conflicts with the Testing Center closing hours (see above), and limited start times during finals. Please choose a flexible exam start time.

Need Assistance?    

For scheduling questions: 409-740-4736, testingservices@tamug.edu

Testing Center Supervisor: Dr. Dana Little, 409-740-4587, dlittle@tamug.edu