Ms. Deana Atteberry '11 President, Sea Aggie Former Student Network (SAFSN)
Greg Binion Chairman, Auxo Marine
Committee(s): Student Affairs
Spouse: Bailey
John Binion '97 Tiberinus Holdings, LLC
Michael E. Cokinos '77 (Mike) President Cokinos Energy Corporation
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Student Affairs
Spouse: unlisted
Thomas Farmer '71 (Tom) Co-President Farmer Alloy Fabricating
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: Bonnie
Gen. William Fraser, III '74 (Will) President WM Fraser Enterprises, LLC
Committee(s): Student Affairs
Spouse: Bev
Robert Fry (Bob) President/CEO Marinus Interests
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: Jo Ann
Roger D. Guenther '83 Executive Director, Port of Houston Authority
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Industry Relations
Spouse: Fabiana
Leonard Hale '81 Executive Vice President Gulf Copper and Manufacturing
Committee(s): Industry Relations
Spouse: unlisted
John Hallmark '97 Vice President - Strategic Planning & Sales Kirby Corporation
Committee(s): Industry Relations
Spouse: unlisted
Amy Hark '95 – Vice Chair Director - Global Logistics Purchasing Huntsman Corporation
Committee(s): Industry Relations
Spouse: John
Peter D. Huddleston, P.E. '80 (Pete) President Huddleston & Co., Inc.
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Student Affairs
Spouse: Kathy
Charlie Jenkins '89 Vice President, Strategic Planning Port of Houston Authority
Committee(s): Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: Cathy
William E. Jenkins (Will) Retired, ExxonMobil, SeaRiver Maritime, Inc. Chairman of the Board, Coast Guard Foundation
Committee(s): Emerging Trends in the Blue Economy
Spouse: Spouse
Chris L. Johnson '06 Attorney and Founding Partner Johnson & Crew, PLLC
Committee(s): Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: Blaire
Mark Keller '74 Vice President Global Business Development
Harris L. Kempner (Shrub) President & Chairman, Kempner Capital Management, Inc. Trustee of the H. Kempner Trust Assoc.
Committee(s): Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: Peaches
Dale Laine '78 Laine Strategy Goup, LLC
Committee(s): Student Affairs
Spouse: Amy Blakely Laine
Mark Lyons President McDaniel Charitable Foundation
Committee(s): Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: Tina
Betty Massey Executive Director Mary Moody Northen Endowment
Committee(s): Student Affairs
Spouse: unlisted
John McDonald Executive VP & Chief Operating Officer, American Bureau of Shipping
Spouse: Kelly
Keith W. McFatridge, Jr. President/Shareholder McFatridge & Associates, P.C.
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Student Affairs
Spouse: Marilyn
John J. Michael '98 Partner & Head of Maritime & Offshore Vinson & Elkins, LLP
Committee(s): Industry Relations
Spouse: unlisted
Phyllis Milstein Retired
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Student Affairs
Spouse: Dr. Bernard (Bernie)
B. Greg Mitchell Research Biologist Scripps Institute of Oceanography at U.C. San Diego
Committee(s): Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: unlisted
Jerry Mohn Chairman, Co-owner Chem One LTD
Committee(s): Industry Relations
Spouse: Rowena
Frank M. Muller, Jr. '65 President Toby Enterprises
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Student Affairs
Spouse: Cheryl
L.C. Neeley '62 (Chaz) Retired
Committee(s): Industry Relations
Spouse: Trisha
Brandon H. Neff '99 Chief Executive Officer HFN Enterprises
Committee(s): Industry Relations (Chair)
Spouse: Lindsay
Chris Orth '80 Advisor to the President Florida Marine Transport
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Student Affairs
Spouse: Marlane
Victor R. Pierson (Vic) Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer Moody National Bank
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: Janice
Wayne H. Prescott '69 Attorney Law Offices of Wayne H. Prescott
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Student Affairs
Spouse: Phyllis
Terry Ray '79 Retired
Committee(s): Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: Laurie
Brian Roy, Jr. '82 Vice President of Sales Houston Wire and Cable
Committee(s): Development & Fund Raising
Spouse: Lori
Robert T. Sakowitz (Bob) President & CEO Hazak Corporation Business & Marketing Strategies Consulting
Committee(s): Industry Relations
Spouse: unlisted
Todd Sullivan '97 President and Managing Principal Texas International Terminals
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Industry Relations
Spouse: Sarah
Kelly Teichman '91 Project Manager T&T Marine Salvage, Inc.
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Industry Relations
Spouse: unlisted
Dr. Sidney Theis Owner, RDR Tec.
Andy Tirpak '81 Retired, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Committee(s): Industry Relations
Spouse: Spouse
Mark Waller Chief Executive Officer PROCEANIC Group of Companies
Jonathan Whitworth '89 - Chairman Retired - Seaspan
Committee(s): Executive Advisory, Student Affairs (Chair)
Spouse: Julie