M.S. Physics, Sam Houston State, 1967
M.S. Mathematics, Sam Houston State, 1967
B.S. Physics, Sam Houston State, 1965
B.S. Mathematics, Sam Houston State, 1965
Regents Professor Emeritus
Department of Marine and Coastal Environmental Science
Brody, S. D., Highfield, W. E., Merrell. W. J., Lee, Y. (Forthcoming). Recovery versus Protection-Based Approaches to Flood Risk Reduction: Working towards a framework for more effective mitigation in the United States. In Shannon Van Zandt and Walter Peacock (Eds). Handbook of Planning for Disaster Resilience. New York: Routledge Press.
Merrell, W. J. The Ike Dike, in Proceedings of CIGMAT-2012, Editors C. Vipulanandan and Shiva Sunder, August 1, 2013.
Merrell, W. J. Protecting the Urbanized Areas of the Upper Texas Coast from Hurricane Storm Surge: The Ike Dike, Proceedings of the SPEED Center Conference, Rice University.
Leonard Waterworth and William Merrell The Surge Suppression Imperative: Amassing the Substantial Risks to the Galveston Bay Region, in Proceedings of CIGMAT-2013, Editors C. Vipulanandan and Shiva Sunder, August 1, 2014.
William Merrell, Leonard Waterworth and Robert Whalin The Coastal Barrier System: Providing Comprehensive Protection from Surge, in Proceedings of CIGMAT-2013, Editors C. Vipulanandan and Shiva Sunder, August 1, 2014.
Robert Whalin, Thomas Richardson and William Merrell Protecting from Surge Probabilities not Possibilities: Using Statistically Significant Hurricane Characteristics to Model Surge Probabilities, in Proceedings of CIGMAT-2013, Editors C. Vipulanandan and Shiva Sunder, August 1, 2014.
Jonkman S.N., Mooyaart L, van Ledden M, Stoeten K, de Vries P. Lendering K.T., van der Toorn A., Willems A., Merrell W.J. (2014) Reconnaissance level studies on a storm surge barrier for flood risk reduction in the Houston – Galveston Bay. In: Lynett P. (ed.) Proceedings of the 34th Int. Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE)
The Ike Dike: A Coastal Barrier Protecting the Houston/Galveston Region from Storm Surge, in Macro-engineering Seawater in/and Unique Environments. Arid Lowlands and Water Bodies Rehabilitation, Editors: Viorel Badescu and Richard B Cathcart, Publishing House: Springer-Verlag 2010.
The Ike Dike, in Proceedings of CJGMAT-2012~ Editors C. Vipulanandan and Shiva Sunder, August 5, 2012.
Protecting the Urbanized Areas of the Texas Coast from Hurricane Storm Surge: The Ike Dike Example, Proceedings of the SPEED Center Conference, Rice University.
Merrell, W.J., Graham-Reynolds, L., Cardenas, A, Gunn, J.A., Hufton, A.J., The Ike Dike: A Coastal Barrier Protecting the Houston/Galveston Region from Hurricane Storm Surge, p. 691-716 in Macro-engineering Seawater in Unique Environments, Environmental Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14779-1_31 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelbert 2011
Galveston Futures: Developing a Disaster Resilient Community, with Tanveerful Islam and William Seitz, to appear in Journal of Geography and Regional Planning in Jan 2010
The Ike Dike: A Coastal Barrier Protecting the Houston/Galveston Region from Storm Surge, to appear in Macro-engineering Seawater in/and Unique Environments. Arid Lowlands and Water Bodies Rehabilitation, Editors: Viorel Badescu and Richard B Cathcart, Publishing House: Springer-Verlag 2010
Islam and Merrell “Galveston Futures” Presented at the American Beach and Shore Preservation Conference. Galveston, Texas Islam and Merrell Texas Hurricanes NOAA Hurricane Conference. Washington, DC
Origin, Distribution, and Timing of Texas hurricanes: 1851-2006, with Tanveerful Islam, William Seitz and Robert Harriss, Natural Hazards Review, November 2009
The City of Galveston Community Recovery Committee: a Case Study of Citizen Involvement in Post Disaster Recovery Planning, with Jae-Young Ko, Poster at Estuaries and Coasts in a Changing World, Portland, Oregon
2018: Texas A&M University System Regents Professor
2017: President Emeritus, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Mitigation 2017: National Hurricane Conference Outstanding Achievement Award
2015: Bay Area Houston Economic Development Quasar Award
2013: Galveston Chamber of Commerce Unsung Hero Award
1990: Distinguished Achievement Award; Geosciences and Earth Resources Council
1988: Distinguished Alumni Award; Sam Houston State University
1987: Distinguished Service Award; National Science Foundation
1987: Distinguished Member Award; Sigma Xi Texas A&M University
1984: Distinguished Service Award; National Science Foundation, Team Award for Ocean Drilling Program
1970: University Fellow; Texas A&M University
1967-1969: NDEA Fellow; Texas A&M University
1965-1967: Graduate Fellow; Sam Houston State College
1964: Physics Award, Most outstanding undergraduate student in physics
Rear Admiral (Retired); United State Maritime Service
Texas Academy of Sciences Oceanography Society
Alpha Chi
Sigma Pi Sigma
Phi Kappa Phi
Sigma Xi
Executive Leadership and Management Program - Federal Executive Institute
2002-present: George P. Mitchell Chair in Marine Sciences, Texas A&M University at Galveston
2013: Acting President, Texas A&M University at Galveston
2006-2011: Director, Center for Texas Beaches and Shores, Texas A&M University at Galveston
2002-2008: Partner, MerrellKatsouros LLP
1995-2002: President, The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment
1993-1995: Vice Chancellor for Strategic Programs, The Texas A&M University System
1992-1993: Vice President for Research Policy, Texas A&M University
1989-1991: President, Texas Institute of Oceanography
1987-1992: President, Texas A&M University at Galveston
1989-1992: Rear Admiral, United States Maritime Service
1987-1992: Coordinator of Marine Programs, The Texas A&M University System
1985-1987: Assistant Director, National Science Foundation
1985-2002: Professor, Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University
1985: Director, Division of Atmospheric and Marine Sciences, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University