B.S. in Coastal Environmental Science & Society

This specialized undergraduate program prepares students for a successful future in marine resource development through an increased focus on geological and biological sciences, along with economics, political science and law.

Coastal Environmental Science & Society Degree    

This degree tackles the economic, environmental, and social aspects to the development of marine resources by providing students with a strong scientific background. The program dovetails geological and biological sciences with economics, political science, and law. With a solid scientific foundation, graduates will be well prepared to work or study the societal and environmental impacts of ocean science concerning industries ranging from oil and gas to fisheries.

Coastal Environmental Science & Society Classes    

Major Core Classes (Required)
Major Core Classes (Required)

GEOL 101/102  Principles of Geology / Principles of Geology Lab
MARS 101  Marine Science Matters
OCNG 251/MARS 252  Oceanography / Intro Marine Science Lab
MARS 280  Coastal and Ocean Resources
MARS 281  Sophomore Seminar in Marine Sciences
MARS 210  Marine Geography
MARS 350  Advanced Computer Applications
OCNG 420  Biological Oceanography
MARS 310  Field Methods in Marine Sciences
MARS 325  Introduction to GIS for Marine Sciences
MARS 425/426  Coastal Wetlands Management / Coastal Wetlands Delineation Lab
MARS 491  Research in Marine Sciences
MARS 432  Peak Oil, Global Warming and Resource Scarcity
MARS 481  Seminar
MARS 430  Geological Oceanography – Plate Tectonics
Or  MARS 431  Geological Oceanography – Earth’s Climate

Career Opportunities    

Love What You Do

With learning combining marine resources and the economic, environmental, and social issues related to their development, this major prepares our students for a host of different careers.

Career Paths

Oil and Gas Development
Fisheries Development
Coastal Works Development
Environmental Consulting
Secondary Education

Hiring Agencies

State and Federal agencies        
Private industry (including Oil and Gas)
Conservation Groups

Salary Ranges

Senior Oceanographer: $100–150K
Oceanographer: $45–100K

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Apply Today    

At Texas A&M University at Galveston we offer a comprehensive array of degrees which are geared to make the most of our ideal location on the edge of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. With programs ranging from marine biology to maritime administration led by enterprising professors at the top of their fields, we’re full of the opportunities you’re seeking.

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