Uche M. Nwabueze

Instructional Professor
Department of Maritime Business Administration

Uche M. Nwabueze

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. You’re playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson

+1 (409) 741.7141nwabuezeu@tamug.edu

Learn more about Uche M. Nwabueze

Get To Know Uche M. Nwabueze

What in your life drew you to your current field of study?

To change the world through teaching of the theory and practice of management.

What do you hope your students gain from studying or working with you?

Become better critical thinkers, better corporate and community leaders, and to live an impactful life.

What are you passionate about in your personal life?

Soccer, traveling, reading, and networking.

Ph.D. Management, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, England
Human Resource Management, University of Luton, Luton, England
MBA University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, England
B.A. Management, University of East London, London, England
B.S. Economics, University of Sokoto, Sokoto, Nigeria
Courses Taught
ECON 452: International Trade Theory and Policy
MARA 363: The Management Process
MARA 373: Personnel Management
MARA 466: Strategic Management
MARA 485: Directed Studies
MARA 612: Maritime Human Resource Management
MARA 675: Leadership in the Maritime Industry
MARA 684: Professional Internship
MARA 689: Special Topics in...
MGMT 311: Legal and Social Environment of Business

2016: Nwabueze U. ”Organizational Improvement: One hospital's experience of Implementing TQM” (IJBPM77754), accepted for publication in the International Journal of Business Process Management.

2016: Nwabueze, U. "Responsibility in the Corporate World: Shell's Contribution to Sustainable Community Development in the Niger Delta, Nigeria‟, International Journal of Management and Organizational Studies (ISSN 2305-2600), Vol.5, Issue 1, March.

2016: Nwabueze, U. "The Reality of Ethics in Corporate America: the Case of AIG, International Journal of Management and Organizational Studies" (ISSN 2305-2600), Vol.5, Issue 1, March.

2015: Nwabueze U. ”The Systematic and Successful Implementation of Reengineering in Healthcare‟, International Journal of Management and Organizational Studies, Vol.4, Issue 2.

2015: Nwabueze U. and Mileski, J (2015) ”The Elephant in the Room: Benchmarking Behavior of Corporate Governance”, International Journal of Management and Organizational Studies, Vol.4, Issue 2.

2015: Nwabueze U. ”Organizational Improvement: One hospital's experience of Implementing TQM” (IJBPM77754), accepted for publication in the International Journal of Business Process Management

2014: Nwabueze, U. ”The Rise and Decline of TQM in the NHS”, published in the TQM Journal, Vol. 26, Issue 6.

2014: Nwabueze, U. ”TQM in the British National Health Service: Nine Reasons for Failure”, published in the International Journal of Business Performance Management, Vol. 15, No.2, PP 127-137.

2012: Nwabueze, U. ‟Process Improvement: the case of a drugs manufacturing company‟, Business Process Management Journal, Vol.18, No.4.

2012: Nwabueze, U. ”Achieving Competitive Advantage through Effective Communication in a Global Environment”, accepted for publication International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, Indexed in Cabell.

2012: Nwabueze, U. ”New Product Development: the key success factors”, accepted for publication International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, Indexed in Cabell

2011: Nwabueze, U. "Implementing TQM in Healthcare: the critical leadership traits‟, TQM and Business Excellence Journal, Volume 22, Issue 3.

2010: Nwabueze, U. "Social Responsibility in the Corporate World: Shell's Contribution to Sustainable Community Development in the Niger Delta, Nigeria‟, Journal of Global Intelligence & Policy – JGIP (Volume 3, Issue 3), Indexed in Cabell.

2010: Nwabueze, U. "The Decline of Ethics in Corporate America‟, Journal of Knowledge & Human Resource Management – JKHRM (Volume 2, Issue 2), indexed in Cabell.

Nwabueze, U. ”Corporate Governance in an Ethically Challenged World‟, Review of Management Innovation and Creativity – RMIC (Volume 3, Issue 6), indexed in Cabell. 


April 8-10, 2015: Nwabueze, U. "Rethinking the New Product Development Process", presented at the Allied Academics International Conference in New Orleans.

November 25-27, 2013: Nwabueze, U. ‟USING BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING TOOLS TO ACHIEVE TOP LINE GROWTH AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT‟, Keynote Speech at the 2013 Drugs Manufacturing Summit, in Dusseldorf, Germany.

December 13-15, 2012: Nwabueze, U. ”A case of survival: TQM for Small Businesses”, presented at the Intellectbase International Consortium Conference, Las Vegas, USA.

August 29-31, 2011: Nwabueze, U. ”Process Improvement: A TQM Approach”, presented at 14th QMOD Conference, Spain.

2011: Nwabueze, U. ”Reengineering Healthcare Organizations”, presented at the 1st Annual Conference of the Administrative Journal Conference, Oklahoma, USA.

October 14-16, 2010: Nwabueze, U. ”New Product Development: A Critical Review”, presented at the Intellectbase International Conference, Atlanta, GA. 

Professional Appointments
American Society for Training and Development
Fellow British Institute of Management
American Society for Quality
The Project Management Institute

Contact Info

Uche M. Nwabueze
Instructional Professor
Department of Maritime Business Administration

Phone: +1 (409) 741.7141
Fax: +1 (409) 741.4014

Classroom Lab Building (CLB), Office 219