Robert Kenneth Baker

Professor of the Practice
Department of Maritime Business Administration

Robert Kenneth Baker

I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the United States Navy.

- John F. Kennedy

+1 (409)

Learn more about Robert Kenneth Baker

Get To Know Robert Kenneth Baker

What in your life drew you to your current field of study?

I have always had an interest in the ocean and was a scuba diver in high school. I spent my freshman year at Texas A&M University at College Station as an Oceanography major. I found out about the Texas A&M Maritime Academy from my college roommate, who went on the summer cruise after he graduated from high school. Following this interaction, I did some investigation into the Marine Transportation degree program and found that there was a balance of business, economics, science, and nautical and naval science courses in the curriculum which I liked. Additionally, when pursing this program a student could graduate with a degree from Texas A&M University while obtaining a U.S. Merchant Marine Unlimited Tonnage Third Mate Upon Oceans license and a commission as an Ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve. This would provide me with a lot of career options after graduation and beyond.

What do you hope your students gain from studying or working with you?

Students will be provided with a faculty member that has a rich depth of experience in all facets of the marine industry: chartering and brokerage, finance, economics, vessel acquisition, shipboard operations, port operations, and project management. My students will also have access to guest speakers from industry, including government and commercial sectors.

What are you passionate about in your personal life?

I am passionate about teaching young people about the maritime industry. I also enjoy learning about history and the financial markets. I have taught several financial classes at church to help people in improving their personal finances.


M.A. Finance, University of Houston, 1983
B.A. Marine Transportation, Texas A&M University, 1977

Licenses and Certificates:

Chief Mate, Oceans - Unlimited Tonnage and Master of Freight and Towing Vessels
Captain U.S. Navy Retired after 30 years of service

Courses Taught
MARA 301Ocean Transportation I
MARA 304: Marine Insurance
MARA 402Inland Waterways
MARA 416Port Operations, Administration and Economics
MARA 670: Coastal and Inland Waterways Transportation

Structural Maintenance For New and Existing Ships:  Overview, Fatigue, Cracking and Repairs, R.G. Bea, R Pollard, R. Schulte-Strathaus and R.K. Baker, University of California, Berkeley, California, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Paper presented at the Marine Structural Inspection, Maintenance and Monitoring Symposium, Arlington, VA, March 18-19, 1991.


LNG Tanker Supply & Demand Analysis and LNG Tanker Contract Price Forecasts, R.K. Baker, ExxonMobil Development Company, LNG Ships & Marine Systems, ExxonMobil Annual Industry Gas Outlook Studies, 2006, 2007, and 2008.

Ice Class LNG & Oil Carrier Economic Matrix Tool Study, R.K. Baker, (ExxonMobil Development Company) & Tor Skogan (Moss Maritime), Presented to ExxonMobil Arctic Network, Houston, Texas, September 24, 2013.

Maintenance Dredging in Port Houston, R.K. Baker (ExxonMobil Fuels and Lubricants Company) & Economic Alliance.  Presented to the U.S. Congress & Senate & Army Corps of Engineers, April 11, 2016. 

Port of Houston Chemical Tanker Demurrage Reduction Study, R.K. Baker (ExxonMobil Fuels and Lubricants Company).  Presented to the Greater Houston Port Bureau, May 5, 2019. 

Awards & Recognition

Public Service Commendation Award, USCG Eighth District Commander, February 1, 2018

Certificate of Merit Award, USCG Sector Houston-Galveston Commander, February 4, 2021

Greater Houston Port Bureau – Executive Committee (January 2014 to February 2021

Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee – Executive Committee

Houston/Galveston USCG VTS Port Coordination Team (PCT), represents all refineries

Port of Houston Big 10 Committee (January 2014 to February 2021)

Contact Info

Robert Kenneth Baker
Professor of the Practice

Department of Maritime Business Administration
Phone: +1 (409) 740.4778
Fax: +1 (409) 741.4014

Classroom Lab Building (CLB), Office 207A