Livingstone Caesar

Assistant Professor
Department of Maritime Business Administration

Livingstone Caesar

"In the end, the impact of our actions and inactions on others should be the guiding light in the quest to create lasting legacies."

– Livingstone Caesar

+1 (409)

Learn more about Livingstone Caesar

Get To Know Livingstone Caesar

What in your life drew you to your current field of study?

At a very young age, I had the passion to engage in work that could impact people and the environment in a positive way. Growing up, it dawn on me that being a professor offers a great platform to achieve the childhood dream of influencing people and society positively. Aside from growing up in a coastal community, I believe that the innate desire to groom responsible future business leaders largely influenced my decision to pursue a scholarship in the management and maritime business disciplines.

What do you hope your students gain from studying or working with you?

Develop the capacity to be independent critical thinkers equipped with the right mix of skills and qualities to positively impact their generation and the next one.

What are you passionate about in your personal life?

Musical instruments, singing, socializing, and community service.


Ph.D. Management and Commerce, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania, 2016
 Shipping and TransportMaritime & Logistics University of Applied Sciences (formerly Netherlands Maritime University), 2010
B.A. International Business - Logistics, Institute of Export and Shipping Management, 2007

Courses Taught

BUSN 203Statistical Methods for Business
MARA 281: Seminar in Undergraduate Research Methods
MARA 346: Maritime & Marine Business Plan
MARA 623: Maritime Economics Theory and Applications
MARA 665: Maritime Business Analytics
MGMT 311: Legal and Social Environment of Business


  1. Tamakloe, Reuben, Caesar, Divine Livingstone. "Decoding the Patterns of Critical Factor Associations Driving Electric Vehicle Recommendations. ." Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 187, (January 2024).
  2. Caesar, Divine Livingstone, Tamakloe, R. (2024). "Unraveling  the Patterns of Critical Contributory Factors and  Flag-State Affiliations Linked with Maritime Incident Outcomes." Marine Policy, 163.
  3. Caesar, Divine Livingstone. (2024)" Justifying an application of the explanatory sequential mixed methods research design in maritime research." Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs. https://10.1080/18366503.2024.2335713
  4. Yevugah, David, and Caesar, Divine Livingstone. (2024) "The impact of person-job fit and job training-fit on employee work behaviour-a moderator analysis."). International Journal of Value Chain Management, 15(1), 69–97.
  5. Caesar, L. D. (2023). Emerging Dynamics of Training, Recruiting and Retaining a Sustainable Maritime Workforce: A Skill Resilience Framework. Sustainability, 16(1), 239.
  6. Caesar, L.D., Eshun, M., Gamadey, F.M.K. and Okeremi, A. (2023), "A contingency study of the performance of new venture logistics firms in Nigeria", Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  7. Zhang W, Shi W, Chen S, Bhaskar PR & Caesar, L.D.,… (2023) “The impact of innovative Industry 4.0 technologies on port resilience”, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime Universities, 18-21 October, Helsinki, Finland. [Refereed Conference Paper].
  8. Oppong, A., & Caesar, L. D. (2023). A contingency analysis of brand reputation and loyalty in the banking sector. SN Business & Economics, 3(7), 1-29.
  9. Afenyo, M., & Caesar, L. D. (2023). Maritime cybersecurity threats: Gaps and directions for future research. Ocean & Coastal Management, 236, 106493.
  10. Okeremi, A., & Caesar, L. D. (2022). Successful IT Entrepreneurship in Nigeria: The Contingent Role of Mentorship. Journal of African Business, 1-35.
  11. Blay, F. K., & Caesar, L. D. (2022). The adoption of mobile money technology in emerging markets: a contingency analysis from Ghana. SN Business & Economics, 2(9), 1-26.
  12. Sallah, C. A., & Caesar, L. D. (2020). Intangible resources and the growth of women businesses: empirical evidence from an emerging market economy. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 12(3), 329-355.
  13. Caesar, L. D., Cahoon, S., & Fei, J. (2020). Understanding the complexity of retention among seafarers: a perspective of Australian employers. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs12(1), 16-41.
  14. Caesar, L. D., Cahoon, S., Fei, J., & Sallah, C. A. (2021). Exploring the antecedents of high mobility among ship officers: empirical evidence from Australia. Maritime Policy & Management48(1), 109-128.
  15. Okeremi, A., Amoako-Gyampah, K., & Divine Caesar, L. (2021). Exploring the antecedents of entrepreneurship success in information technology firms in Nigeria. Africa Journal of Management7(2), 286-313.
  16. Muparadzi, A., & Caesar, L. D. (2020). Examining the dynamics of industry–university collaborations in Ghana. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 13(2), 591-608. 
  17. Amoako, G. K., Bonsu, G. A., Caesar, L. D., & Osei-Tete, F. (2020). Finding the nexus between green supply chain practices and sustainable business advantage: an emerging market perspective. Management of Environmental Quality, 32(6), 1133-1149.
  18. Jeevan, J., Othman, M. R., Salleh, N. H. M., Ghani, N. M. A., Noralam, N. A., & Divine Caesar, L. (2021). An analysis on the triadic connection between seaports, inland terminals and hinterland market. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs13(1), 23-42.
  19. Jeevan, J., Mohd Salleh, N. H., Mohd Zaideen, I. M., Othman, M. R., Menhat, M. N. S., & Divine Caesar, L. (2020). Application of geoeconomics in seaport operations: a theoretical proposal for post Covid-19 recovery strategy. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs12(4), 217-242.
  20. Jeevan, J., Harun, M., Abdullah, W. M. W., Othman, M. R., Salleh, N. H. M., & Caesar, L. D. (2021). The belt and road initiative: a pragmatic constituent for the growth of Malaysian seaport system. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research10(3), 225-244. 
  • Tamakloe, Reuben, and Divine Livingstone Caesar. "Understanding Consumers Prioritizing Incentives in Electric Vehicle Purchases: Identifying Patterns for Effective Policy Strategies." In Current Issues in Alternative Fuels and Technologies. Washington D.C., WA: The Transportation Research Board, 2024.
  • Tamakloe, Reuben, Caesar, Divine Livingstone, and Kim I. "Factors Influencing Light-Duty Full Electric Vehicle Adoption among Companies." In New bottles for new wine: Digital transformation demands new policies and strategies. Seoul, South Korea: The Korea ITS Society, June-2024.
  • Zhang W, Shi W, Chen S, Bhaskar PR & Caesar, L.D.,… (2023) “The impact of innovative Industry 4.0 technologies on port resilience”, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime Universities, 18-21 October, Helsinki, Finland. [Refereed Conference Paper].
  • Copley, S, Afenyo, M, & Caesar, DL. (2023) “An environmental and economic impact assessment of potential spills in the Galveston Bay Area”, Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the South East Decision Science Institute, 15-17 February, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA, pp. 395-411. [Refereed Conference Paper].
  • Caesar, L. D. (2023). Emerging Dynamics of Training, Recruiting and Retaining a Sustainable Maritime Workforce: A Skill Resilience Framework.
  • Caesar, DL. (2023) “The performance of new venture logistics firms: A contingency analysis”, Proceedings of the 2023 British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, 5-6 September, Brighton, United Kingdom. [Refereed Conference Paper]
  • Mazen, B, Caesar, DL, Jazairy, A, & Mileski, J. (2022) “IMO 2020: The assessment of investment decisions and financial risks”, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the South East Decision Science Institute, 16-18 February, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, pp. 567-572. [Refereed Conference Paper]
  • Afenyo, M, Caesar, DL, & Yeboah, OD. (2022) “Regional analysis of oil seaborne trades: A focus on Africa”, Proceedings of the 2022 International Association of Maritime Economists, 14-16 September, Busan, South Korea, pp. 1-20. [Refereed Conference Paper
  • Caesar, LD, Cahoon, S, & Fei, J, “Breaking the psychological contract and managing expectations: developing solutions for the shortage of ship officers”, Proceedings of the 2013 International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, 3-5 July 2013, Marseille, France, pp. 1-18. (2013) [Refereed Conference Paper]
  • Caesar, LD, Cahoon, SC, & Fei, J, “Understanding and managing the complexity of retention issues for 21st century seafarers in the global shipping industry”, Proceedings of the 2014 International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, 15-18 July 2014, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, pp. 1-20. (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper]
  • Caesar, LD, Cahoon, S and Fei, J, “Challenging the current paradigms of seafarer training and careers”, Proceedings of the 15th Annual general assembly International Association of Maritime Universities - Innovation in Maritime Education, Training and Research, 27 - 30 October, Australian Maritime College, Launceston, Tasmania, pp. 348-356. ISBN 978-0-9806391-4-8 (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper]
  • Caesar, LD, & Cahoon, S, “Knowing the students we groom into seafarers: Going beyond the traditional admission forms”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Maritime Sciences, 10 - 14 November, Kobe University, Japan, pp. 1-6. (2014) [Non-refereed Conference Paper]
  • Chin, CKH, Fei, J, Mather, C, & Caesar, LD, “Comparison of use of Echo360 generated materials in maritime engineering and nursing disciplines to support student learning”, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, 8-10 December, Te Papa Tongarewa National Museum of New Zealand, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-0-473-30428-7 (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper]
  • Fei, J, Caesar, LD, Chin, C, & Mather, C, “The use of Echo360 generated materials and perceived student performance”, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on teaching, assessment and learning for engineering, 8-10 December, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 1-5. (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper]
  • Fei, J, Chin, C, Caesar, LD, & Mather, C, “Uptake of lecture capture technology by lecturers in engineering, management, and nursing disciplines”, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on teaching, assessment and learning for engineering, 8-10 December, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 1-6. (2014) [Refereed Conference Paper]
  • Mather, C, Chin, C, Caesar, LD, Chandler, L, & Fei, J, “Utilisation of Echo 360: A comparison between undergraduate nursing and maritime disciplines”, Teaching Matters 2014, 2-3 December, Newnham Campus, University of Tasmania, Launceston (2014) [Conference Extract]
Grants and Fellowships
  • 2023-2024: International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) - The impact of innovative Industry 4.0 technologies on port resilience, $90,713.
  • 2020-2024: European Union - Horizon 2020 Achieving wider uptake of water-smart solutions, $2,557,429.
  • 2023-2024: The Texas A&M Global Cyber Research Institute - Developing an Economic Impact Assessment Tool for Cyber-Attacks in Business Systems (EITCB), $10,000
  • BMEL/BLE, Germany - Shaping food environments ($250,000 USD) - 2021
  • International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Grant for Africa RISING Project ($28,000 USD) - 2019
Awards & Recognition
  • Best lecturer –Institute of Export and Shipping Management, December 2008
  • Scholarship of Excellence, Netherlands Maritime University, March 2009
  • Honorary Ambassador of Gwangyang Port and City, South Korea, February 2010

Contact Info

Livingstone Caesar
Assistant Professor
Department of Maritime Business Administration
Phone: +1 (409) 741.4085
Fax: +1 (409) 741.4014

Classroom Lab Building (CLB), Office 230