Any student entering the General Academics major due to academic suspension, and others as deemed appropriate, will be required to participate in the Academic Coaching program as part of their terms for entry to major.
All students in the General Academics major will be expected to fulfill the following requirements:
- Meet with an academic advisor within CALS by the fifth class day of the term, and again prior to the term's pre-registration period.
- Meet with an academic advisor within the department of their intended major by the fifth class day of the term.
Failure to fully complete the set terms of the major will result in:
- For students who fail to gain entry into a new major after one term, continuation in the General Academics major will be denied
- For students applying to change curriculum into a new major, their failure to meet terms will be reported to the intended major; the weight of this in admissions decisions will be determined by the academic department
Please note that any student suspended from their major and/or denied entry to an alternate major as well as being denied entry into GACD is not guaranteed continued enrollment at the University.